To understand this, we need to ask ourselves three key questions. These questions come from American Business Philosopher Jim Rohn's book, Leading an Inspired Life. Question one, who am I around? Take note of the people you most often associate with and evaluate them. What type of behaviors are they exhibiting? Is it something you want to emulate? Question two, what effect are they having on me? Look at the things you are doing and saying, the places you are going, and how you feel when you are with them. Question three, is this, OK? Some associates may be a good positive influence. On the other hand, some may be a negative draining influence. This is where you have to take an honest objective look and make some hard decisions. Decide where you want to go and what you want your life to be like. After evaluating, it’s time to divide your associations into three distinct categories; disassociation, limited association, and expanded association.
Disassociation. This is the most difficult one to deal with. Sometimes you just need to cut people completely off. It can be a very difficult thing to do. The truth is we rarely choose to get out of our comfort zone. It’s safe there. We know exactly what we are dealing with. However, if you are dealing with negative people, and you are unable to steer them in a positive direction, it’s time to let them go. This doesn’t mean they can never again be in your circle. But if they do resurface, it must be with a better vibe and a more positive influence than before. Just remember, you can’t change people, they have to decide to change.Limited Association. This is exactly what it sounds like. Limit the amount of time you spend with certain people. There are certain circumstances when we may not be able to avoid someone completely, such as co-workers, relatives, friends, or acquaintances. We can spend a few minutes, but not hours, these are people we can spend a few minutes with. We have relatives, friends, or acquaintances we see at functions and might find ourselves spending an hour or two, but never a day or two.
Expanded Association. This means spending more time with the right people. The right people are those who empower and inspire you, hold you accountable, and celebrate your success. To live up to your potential and accomplish your goals, put yourself in a position to meet the type of people to help you get there. Joining organizations, social groups, and distinguished clubs is a good way to establish those connections. Remember, you will always attract in life to what you are. That’s why being fake rarely works long-term. Be your genuine self and the right people will migrate towards you. Don’t be stymied by people holding you back when making your dreams and goals a reality. Take a hard look around you. It just might be time for an upgrade!"