Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Keys to Success

                                                     The Keys To Success

Anything you want to accomplish or any dream you want to fulfill all starts within you. Before you can achieve success, you must first have the formidable belief that you can and will accomplish it. The mind is a powerful thing. Three critical elements in releasing your inner power are attitude, vision, and commitment.


It all begins with your way of thinking. The power of positive thinking is not just a myth, it’s a proven fact.  If you live with a positive attitude, the mind steers you toward positive outcomes. The same goes for negative thinking. If you continually think negative about yourself or your abilities, negative results will occur.  If you are not where you want to be, are not fulfilled, then it’s time to do something about it. Start with changing how you look at yourself. 

If you want to change your life, you must do something different. As the saying goes, you can’t keep doing the same ole thing and expect a different result.  Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. In other words, do something you’ve never done before. When you get in that uncomfortable space is when real change occurs. Fear is the main thing that keeps us from making a change or trying something different. Fear is nothing more than false evidence appearing real. Change that mindset and begin the process of moving forward.

Another important aspect of changing your attitude is upgrading your associations. This one can be really tough because it involves letting go. You may have long time friends or associates who don’t share or understand your vision. See who you spend most of your time with. If you find yourself surrounding by negativity or people with no vision or aspiration, it might be time to make a change. This may seem like selling out or discarding your friends, but you have to decide what’s more important to you. Negative associations can keep you from fulfilling your true destiny.


Decide what you want to do. Everyone has a gift or talent, something they are inherently gifted at doing. Find that vision and develop it. Don’t be discouraged by naysayers or what happened before. This is your vision, believe in it!

Once you have your vision, picture it complete as if it’s already happened. Replay this over and over every single day in your mind until it becomes a reality. This programs your mind towards prosperity and success. Don’t worry about how at this point, just believe in the vision as big as you want it to be. If you keep the vision, the how will come. 
Have a strong why. The reason for your vision or dream has to be compelling enough to keep you focused and committed no matter how tough it gets.  It will get tough. But if your reason why is solid, you will stay determined to see it through


Have a solid game plan. Determine how, when, where, and what you’re going to do. Be specific in your planning and have active goal setting. That means developing measurable attainable goals. 

Take action steps every day! Having goals means nothing if you don’t take action.  

Hold yourself accountable. Make sure you follow through and do exactly what you committed to do on a daily basis. If you don’t care about your vision, nobody else will.

Fulfilling your dream is all up to you! Remember, your attitude, vision, and commitment will unleash the amazing power within you! You have all you need to achieve greatness!  

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